One of Barry's dreams has been to record "Tower of Power". Well this dream came true in July! T.O.P. was coming to SLC for the Jazz festival and Bare called their manager to see if they'd be able to come and play on "Hair Spray" that Barry's company was recording (his business called "The MT Pit). Sure enough, their manager called back and said they'd love to!!!!!! We couldn't believe it - a Total dream come true. Well, the most amazing part about this was the night they came (trust me, we were all there) Barry turned to our son, Michael, and let him record T.O.P.! I started crying. This was Barry's dream and he just handed it over to his son. That says EVERYTHING about the kind of man Barry is. I love that man more than Earthly words can say. What a memorable night - very nice men and talk about TALENTED!!!!!!!!!!!
1 comment:
So absolutely COOL!!! I love that photo of Michael with Barry in the "background". :)
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