Aubrea, Grant and AnnAlyse. It looks like Aubrea is the shortest one of the group but she's now actually taller than AnnAlyse. Grant still is taller than the both of them. Great kids!

Eliza!!! Such a cutie!

Porter!!! Isn't that the cutest look on his face?

Chelsea! I tell you, they're starving her. Cute cheeks!

Brock and Aunt Nannies! Those smiles :-]

Guy's headshot for Auditions.

Michael, Grant, Rick Baptist (the NUMBER 1 trumpet player in the WORLD) and Barry. Rick came and recorded at the Studio. He was SOOOOOOOO amazing! Such a good man too! He's a total family man, religious, doesn't drink or smoke - not even a foul mouth. Now who does that these days that is that famous? Our family went took him out to dinner and had an amazing experience listening to his stories about what he's played on. Here are just a few: Michael Jackson's "Off the Wall", movies such as "The Incredibles", "Up" and "Avatar", Michael Buble, Josh Grobin and the list goes ON AND ON!!!!

Celebrating Bare's 49th Birthday! LOVE that man!!!

Family photo!